Electronic Invoicing

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SAF-T Digital Audit and Analysis

Since 2008, the Portuguese Tax Authority requires that accounting and invoicing softwares generate XML SAF-T files that can be requested in the context of tax inspections. Additionally, the Billing SAF-T (since 2013) and the Accounting SAF-T (from 2023) must be submitted to the AT monthly and annually, respectively. Our cloud solution helps you pre-validate SAF-T files structure and content before submitting them to AT, ensuring their compliance.

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Optimization and time saving

Access the solution remotely and automate the process of consolidating, validating and auditing all files and transactions.

Compliance assurance

Pre-validate SAF-T files generated by your systems, ensuring that they are approved by the Portuguese Tax Authority (AT).

Improved data quality

Run rules and routines to test different scopes, improving accounting and operations processes.

Better financial information

Generate financial statements in accordance with the IES taxonomies and validate their pre-completion by the AT.

Optimization and time saving

Automatic consolidation and validation of SAF-T files

  • Load all necessary files without mapping or develop templates: manually, drag & drop XML or CSV files; automatically from your ERP or POS via API.
  • Audit of the upload, deletion and status of files, with visibility into user activity and data integrity assurance.
  • Check the integrity of the ERP and subsystems by running rules when loading the various files to validate AT rejection/approval scenarios.

Compliance assurance

Auditing the integrity and quality of accounting data

  • Run rules and routines for all transactions to test different scopes: Schema and Taxonomy; Integrity and Quality; Statistic; Substantive on about procedures; Forensics (use of the Information System).
  • Rank results by severity (from low to critical) to help prioritize analysis and reasons for errors.
  • Analyze and validate the issue by easily going down to the per-line detail of each transaction to better understand the cause of the issue and document accordingly.

Improved data quality

Automatic generation of financial statements

  • Before submitting to the Tax Authority, generate financial statements based on IES taxonomies as well as sales reports by customer, product and country.
  • Compare the current fiscal year with previous years to identify relevant variances.
  • Understand totals, variances and trends by zooming in/out of dashboards and reports as needed.

Better financial information

User and problem solving centric

  • Contextualized screens with menu and top bar navigation.
  • Intuitive interface: dashboards, color-based display modules or CSV export features help users visualize data and trends, guiding them to where actions are required.
  • Cloud solution portal, always updated in accordance with the legislation in force, accessible via web browser based on user permissions.
Learn more: What is SAF-T?

SAF-T Digital Audit and Analysis Advantages

  • Increase productivity, improve processes

    Tests and validations carried out on all transactions and on the various types of files generated by different systems based on the changes and updates announced by the Portuguese Tax Authority.

  • Reduce the risk of fraud and tax disputes

    Exploration of errors, which were detected in the general schema and taxonomy audit rules, down to the line of each transaction with the possibility of attaching audit notes for greater context.

  • Improve visibility of financial reports

    Production of financial statements, with multi-annual analyses, according to the mapping defined by the AT, allowing prior validation of the data to be pre-filled in the IES.

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